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If diagnosed as a pre-diabetes stage, it is a sign that there is a high probability of progressing to diabetes. Also, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise are essential because they can progress to serious health conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, the pre-diabetes stage is reversible, so there is still an opportunity to reverse it. In this post, let’s look at the range of pre-diabetes figures, symptoms, and management methods.

Pre-diabetes figures, symptoms and management sources: Pexels

prediabetes level figure

Pre-diabetes level, symptoms, and management source: People without Pexels diabetes have 70-100 mg/dL of fasting blood sugar and 140 mg/dL of postprandial blood sugar. Pre-diabetes level is 100-125 mg/dL or 140-199 mg/dL of oral sugar. symptoms of the pre-diabetes stage

Pre-diabetes figures, symptoms, and management sources: Pexels Pre-diabetes has no clear symptoms. Some people may experience a condition called black visible cell disease, a sign of insulin resistance, but dark, thick, velvet-like skin symptoms occur mainly in elbows, knees, necks and armpits. Also, I was diagnosed in the pre-diabetes stage, but you should visit the hospital immediately because you can see that you have developed type 2 diabetes if you feel thirsty, go to the bathroom often at night, feel tired and blurred vision, and if the wound doesn’t heal.

출처 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

cause of prediabetes stage

Pre-diabetes figures, symptoms and management source: The Pexels pancreas releases a hormone called insulin when you eat food, and sugar in the blood moves into the body’s cells to use it as an energy source, which helps lower blood sugar levels. The cause of pre-diabetes is similar to diabetes, but it can be seen as an early stage of diabetes, and one of the main causes is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is that our somatic cells do not work properly against insulin. The second cause is an increase in metabolic disorders. If metabolic disorders increase, high blood sugar and insulin resistance deteriorate. pre-stage management of diabetes

Pre-diabetes figures, symptoms and management sources: Pexels Treating pre-diabetes is like preventing type 2 diabetes. If you are diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you will be advised to change your lifestyle. A 10-year follow-up study by the National Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Institute (NIDDK) found that lifestyle groups who tried to lose 7% of their weight by reducing fat and calories and exercising 150 minutes a week were 34% slower than those who didn’t.

@@@en:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/, https://www.niddk.nih.gov

@@@en:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/, https://www.niddk.nih.govThe National Diabetes Prevention Program (CDC) Lifestyle Change Program is designed for people who are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, and is a one-year program that helps educated lifestyle coaches change certain aspects of their lifestyle, including healthy diet, stress reduction and increased physical activity. Don’t give up what you learned in the first half and eat healthy food! Even if you don’t have time, add physical activity to your life.Please deal with stress.When you eat out, you deal with factors that interfere with difficulties, such as how to choose healthy food.If you miss the plan, you can return to normal. Because everyone sometimes makes mistakes. 2. Based on what you learned throughout the second half of the course, your lifestyle coach and small group will continue to support you by recording and tracking food and physical activity, setting goals, motivating, and overcoming barriers.출 웹 사이트: https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prevention/index.htmlprediabetic dietPre-diabetes level figures, symptoms and management sources: Pexels, especially menus, is the most important, but pre-diabetes level menus include many nutritious natural foods, especially fiber-rich foods. On the other hand, it is recommended to limit consumption of highly processed foods and sugary drinks. It is also important to maintain a low-carb diet. Studies in diabetics have shown that low-carb and ketone diets can affect the causes and management of type 2 diabetes and obesity.출처 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/If you want to find out more about foods that are good and bad for diabetes!Food that is good for diabetes vs. food that is bad for diabetes is on par with infectious diseases, and the incidence of diabetes has risen to a serious level worldwide. Diabetes is…blog.naver.comWhat if you’re concerned about the early symptoms of diabetes? (Dagal, Danyo, Dasik)Early symptoms of diabetes | hyperhidrosis, polyuria, hyperphagia If diabetes is not treated, chronic high blood sugar levels cause more damage to tissues and organs…blog.naver.comIf you’re curious about the Mediterranean diet, the secret to living a long life without diabetes!The meaning, composition and effectiveness of a Mediterranean menu | Steal the secrets of a long-lived menu!The most important thing to maintain your health is not exercise or supplements, but a diet that you eat every day. Mediterranean… blog.naver.comThe meaning, composition and effectiveness of a Mediterranean menu | Steal the secrets of a long-lived menu!The most important thing to maintain your health is not exercise or supplements, but a diet that you eat every day. Mediterranean… blog.naver.com

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