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The human body naturally experiences aging over time.You can’t avoid the changes caused by aging even if you develop healthy lifestyle habits or exercise hard.Therefore, as you get older, you experience a phenomenon in which your body’s functions become more and more impaired, and degenerative diseases often occur during this period.If such inconveniences occur here and there, the quality of life decreases and you experience difficulties in your normal daily life.

Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy habits to prevent aging, but you have to pay special attention to the body parts that you use a lot because they age a little faster. Among them, there are many kinds of senile eye diseases caused by aging. Typical eye diseases include cataracts and presbyopia. In the case of presbyopia and cataract, it was a symptom that appeared mainly in older people to some extent in the past. However, in the modern era, presbyopia occurred earlier and people in their 40s began to see it.

Of course, presbyopia itself does not cause a big problem in the eye, but cataract may accompany you afterwards, so you can’t just take it lightly. Presbyopia and cataract may seem similar in that they start aging, but they can have completely different results, so if you feel something wrong with your eyes, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist to clearly distinguish the symptoms.

Let’s be more specific. In the case of presbyopia, it is a symptom that everyone experiences little by little when they get older.The lost vision does not return to nature, so if you don’t take any particular action, you will live without solving the less clear vision, but cataracts do not just stop here, but can lead to additional complications and so on. Therefore, if vision problems occur, treatment should be performed according to the symptoms after receiving an accurate diagnosis.

Then, what is the difference between presbyopia and cataract?

It is the same that both diseases are caused by lens problems, but if you look closely, there is a small difference. If the muscle function of changing the thickness of the lens decreases with the distance of the image so that it can focus on one place, it becomes difficult to adjust the thickness of the lens according to the distance, and the presbyopia is a symptom of blurring things. Cataracts, on the other hand, are symptoms of turbidity inside the lens, and the image received from the outside is not properly connected to the retina, causing problems. It is similar to presbyopia in that the vision becomes blurred due to lens turbidity and sometimes the images overlap and appear in large numbers.

Because there are many similarities and it is difficult to distinguish by self-diagnosis, if you can’t quickly control the symptoms after checking the cost of cataract surgery, you can’t prevent vision problems. If you have eye problems, you visit the ophthalmologist for treatment, but before you visit the ophthalmologist, it is important not to just consider the cost of cataract surgery, but to make the best choice for yourself, considering the medical system and the experience of the medical staff.In particular, accurate diagnosis is essential to judge cataract and decide which surgery is suitable for it. Our hospital conducts the first 61 kinds of eye examinations to understand the patient’s condition.

Once you know that you have cataracts, you have to come up with a solution to improve cataracts. The cost of cataract surgery and the method of surgery may vary depending on how serious the patient’s symptoms are and how he usually has eye disease. Originally, cataracts can be applied differently according to the degree of progression, but in the case of medicines prescribed mainly in the early stages, they can slow down the progression rate, but they cannot fundamentally manage the turbidity of the lens. Therefore, it is recommended to improve through artificial lens implantation, which is a fundamental solution.

The artificial lens insertion technique, which is inserted instead of a cloudy lens, can be divided into single-focus and multifocal lenses. In the case of a single focus chiropractor, if you focus on one focus, in the case of a multifocal lens, you can correct a variety of focal points at once, from near to far. However, there are patients who fit better with short focus, so please decide the type of lens that suits you through consultation.Because artificial lens implantation is an operation that affects vision, the operation must be completed with the help of a well-experienced medical staff to achieve a high-quality result. It’s also better to see if you have state-of-the-art equipment along with the proficiency of your medical staff. In our hospital, we are going through all the processes to improve the patient’s satisfaction and to find the same vision as before, and we help patients receive appropriate care for their eye condition through a 1:1 specialized doctor system.Since artificial lens implantation is a high-level operation, it is recommended that you observe the progress so that you can recover well even after all the processes are completed.By doing so, you can maintain your eyesight for a long time and continue to live a comfortable life. If there is any abnormality in your eyesight, please analyze the cause so that you won’t be late and take a diagnosis so that you won’t be late.Gangnam ID Ophthalmology Clinic 3rd floor of Ara Tower, 77-gil Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulGangnam ID Ophthalmology Clinic 3rd floor of Ara Tower, 77-gil Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulGangnam ID Ophthalmology Clinic 3rd floor of Ara Tower, 77-gil Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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