We looked for the cause of the leak in the gas boiler and did water leakage work
I am happy to meet you.Facilities get old over time, but it costs a lot of money and effort to completely replace them.It is recommended that partial replacement be carried out gradually to prevent noticeable events such as water leaks and backflows from occurring.It is a measure to reduce the burden and protect the safety of the facilities because you can’t pay a large amount of money at once.

Unfortunately, the site I visited the other day due to water leakage construction was unprepared and had already leaked downstairs.I supported the tub and bucket and received dripping water.It’s a real shame. Like everyone else, people cannot be wary of structures unless they see leaks directly or suffer actual damage.It is natural that it is more difficult to detect errors due to the characteristics installed under the surface so that they are invisible.
Please take this opportunity to take a look at our company’s leak resolution case and get attention to the facility and the need for management.Water falls from the ceiling and the wallpaper is full of moisture, so you can see the tip standing up and getting tired.The leaked sewage accumulated in the internal facilities.The wallpaper is waterproof to some extent, so it can be prevented, but if the water leaks continuously, it will seep in and leak out. Construction started because we thought we should quickly detect the cause of the boiler leak and repair it in an appropriate way.

After a thorough test, we found the cause of the site and carried out water leakage construction!The detection equipment in the photo is used to process it at any site. Each site has different piping conditions and different effective methods.It’s hard to understand before the on-site inspection, so I’ll bring the equipment without omission.If there is not one, the quality of the construction will be much lower than I thought.
In the boiler installed on the veranda wall, direct water pipes, hot water pipes, and heating pipes were inspected sequentially.Other water pipes functioned normally, while water leaked from the heating pipes.Even when I touched it with my hand, I could tell that the wet water container was leaking.It means that the amount of water leakage is quite large, and it also means that it has lasted quite a long time since the day of occurrence.

I realized that the cause of the water leak was a heating system in a large frame, so it’s time to move on to the next procedure, right?We inspected various parts of the house by injecting gas into the pipeline and detecting clear sound that detects leakage patterns.As a result of applying laundry rooms and heating distributors from bathrooms and kitchens that use water frequently, water leakage symptoms appeared on the valve side of the distributor.
Even with the naked eye, it can be seen that the iron distributor has been corroded a lot.It’s good to be strong in the beginning, but you can’t avoid these corrosion and rust symptoms if you’re exposed to air for a long time.

When I applied soapy water, the result came out that bubbles bubbled up.This part definitely means that there is a crack.Actually, the corrosion of the distributor is excessive, so it was necessary to replace the facilities themselves.I brought all the new restraints and connecting accessories to help install them!
The correct answer is to replace the old leak pipe, but I think it will be a cost burden, so I would like to repair only a part of it.However, if the water leak is serious or you want it, we will do the whole construction cleanly.This is because old piping distributors act as the cause of boiler water leaks.Even if one is fixed, the pipe next to it may burst again soon.First of all, we will identify how many distributors are installed and select the right size for water leakage construction.When I looked at the side of the gas boiler water gland, it looked like corrosion was progressing here and there, and the smell of iron was severe.It was an extremely dangerous situation that not only the area around the connection but also the entire piping could be broken.The heating distributor that caused the water leak in this space has been safely removed. It is a grateful facility that played a role in warming each room over the years! In a place that doesn’t look like this, various structures are working hard for the convenience of life.Therefore, I hope users will take care of it with special affection.Although it was gradually aging, it removed the condition of the gas boiler water gland and replaced it with a new strong distributor.We installed a seven-port distributor that fits the right size and connected each pipe tightly. Finally, we carried out the connection work with existing water pipes.It functionally provides heating water smoothly, and the rusty smell that you could feel when you opened the lower door was caught, making it a more comfortable site.Based on the work of replacing the cause of the gas boiler water gland, additional observation has been made and the problematic areas have also been corrected.It’s a heating piping part that has been used for so long that it hardened and was cut.Not only the main body but also small accessories will be consumed, so replacement is essential.Sewage can leak even through small gaps and defects, so prevention is necessary.After repairing these old facilities cleanly, the air pressure test was conducted again to make sure that this construction was completed safely.When I injected pressure with a compressor, the pressure in the piping seems to be stable even if I wait for moisture, so I finish it with peace of mind.The water leak has been resolved!-The colder it gets, the more you will realize the importance of heating. If the operation is suspended for even one day, it will be inconvenient because you have to fight the cold!Please contact us to solve all your concerns about important plumbing facilities. Thank you.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image